GIOPIMS系统即“石化企业生产计划图形建模优化系统”,是一种用于石油化工企业的优化排产软件。使用该系统,用户可以通过图形化的形式建立石油化工企业生产工艺流程的超结构,由系统自动生成数学模型并进行求解,最后给出优化结果。优化结果报告有两种形式:①在流程图上直接显示,这种报告形式比较直观,但只能在软件平台上浏览;②生成原始的基础数据库BASIC_DB供查询,但这种基础数据库还不能直接得到最终的会计报表。本文提出了一种以物流信息为基础的搜索策略,将物流分成具有不同优先级的集合进行搜索,提高了搜索效率,并结合Excel给出了一种文字表达式公式的计算方法, 实现了基于GIOPIMS系统的动态格式报表。
GIOPIMS is the abbreviation for Graphic I/O Petro - chemical Industry Modeling System, an application used for production planning in Petro - chemical Industry. Using graphic modeling interface, customs could easily obtain the super - structure of the production process and the optimization results of automatically generated mathematic models. There are two ways to display the optimization results. One is to display directly on the flowsheet, which is visual and intuitionistie, but it could be browsed within the system only. The other is to create the basic database BASIC DB for query. However, these can't fulfill various requirements of accounting statements. Therefore, this paper introduces a way to implement dynamic statement based on GIOPIMS, with a more efficient searching strategy by dividing material flows into hierarchical sets and a new function for Chinese expressions calculation.
Computers and Applied Chemistry