During the operation of a High-Voltage Circuit Breaker (HBCB), the vibration signals in the HBCB contain abundant information about operating gears, mechanically driven services and the contactors in the arc extinguishing chamber. The signals can be recognized by an effective signal processing method and can be used for diagnosis and maintenance. However, the traditional analysis methods used for analyzing vibration signals in a HVCB are limited and too simple. This. paper analyzes the vibration signals in a HVCB using the phase space reconstruction theory and proposes a new method to distinguish the state of a HVCB. This new method uses the correlation dimension as the important characteristics of the vibration signals. According to the experiments of processing the signals under several different conditions of a HVCB and the comparison of these signals and the signals taken from a fault state, it has been seen that the correlation dimension can tell the differences between the normal and abnormal operating conditions of a HVCB. It has been shown that the proposed method is valid, and the correlation dimension of the vibration signals from the phase space reconstruction can be used as a very useful criterion in diagnosis of operating conditions of a HVCB.
Modern Electric Power
High-Voltage Circuit Breaker
vibration signal
characteristics analysis
phase space reconstruction
correla-tion dimension