ArcIMS体系结构主要包括客户端和服务器端两部分,ArcXML是与空间服务器通讯的标准语言,当客户端向运行在ArcIMS空间服务器上的地图服务发请求时,请求的信息就是采用ArcXML描述的.空间服务器根据请求的内容做出相应的反应,并将反应信息以ArcXML描述的格式返回给客户端。因此,ArcXML在ArcIMS软件中起到通信语言的作用。但是,ArcIMS软件在生成ArcXML请求信息并解析返回应答信息方面存在着不足,为此,本文提出采用MVC(Module-View-Control)的设计模式,探讨一种基于Microsoft Asp.Net开发环境的WebGIS组件,该组件能够自动生成ArcXML请求信息和解析返回的应答信息,该控件将MVC设计模式、Microsoft Asp.Net和ArcIMS三者的优点集成在一起。通过使用该控件,可以简化ArcIMS二次开发,为程序开发人员构建自己的WebGIS系统节省时间。
This paper analyses the structure of ArcIMS 9 software at first, the importance of ArcXML is found, but the ArcIMS software has shortcoming in building the ArcXML request information and parsing the ArcXML response information. In order to make up the above disadvantage, a method is described which is built in the Microsoft .Net developing environment. Then the MVC design mode is adopted by this method to the design of the WebGIS control, every component's function of the MVC is described in detail. The control tie's function is to build ArcXML request information and parse the response information, the main classes' relationship diagram of the control tie is showed and the every component's function is explained. Finally, it summarizes the advantage of this method which integrates the advantages of the MVC design module, .Net developing environment and ArcIMS function. By using the above control to build the WebGIS system will save time for program developers.
Geo-information Science