
中国西部地区遥感数据生态多样性多尺度模拟 被引量:4

Multi-scale Simulation of Ecological Diversity in Western China Based on Remotely Sensed Database
摘要 生态多样性(ecological diversity)是诸如物种和景观元等研究对象丰富性和空间分布均一性的综合,其多尺度测算与模拟已经成为生态学界研究的热点之一。其与传统多样性模型相比,Scaling生态多样性模型能够综合反映均一性和丰富性两个方面的多样性信息,同时考虑了空间尺度因素的作用,是一个理论上完美的生态多样性模型。利用Scaling生态多样性模型对中国西部地区三期遥感数据进行模拟,结果表明:①20世纪80年代末期-90年代末期,中国西部地区景观元多样性先减少后增加,其内部明显具有东高西低的空间分布规律;②省级行政区尺度上模拟结果说明陕西省景观元多样性最高,新疆维吾尔自治区和西藏自治区最低;西藏自治区景观元多样性变化最显著,而甘肃省和重庆市变化最小;③县级行政区尺度上模拟结果发现中国西部地区存在11个景观元多样性的关键地区;④对比各尺度模拟结果,发现中国西部地区整体景观元多样性大于各省级行政区,各省级行政区大于省内县级行政区,说明Scaling多样性模型能够反映空间尺度因素与生态多样性间存在的正向相关关系。 The term 'Ecological diversity' is a combination of richness and evenness of an investigation object, as species and ecotope. The concept includes HLZ ecosystem diversity, ecotope diversity and species diversity. The challenge comes in multi-scale measuring and simulating such a broad concept in ways that are useful. Many studies shed light on the scaling ecological diversity index that is theoretical sound to simulate ecological diversity on different scales. Based on the remotely sensed database and land-use spatial database of the end of 1980s, the midterm of 1990s and the end of 1990s, we simulate ecotope diversity of western China on different scales using the scaling index. The result shows that: ①The ecotope diversity of western China reduces from the end of 1980s to the midterm of 1990s and increases from the midterm of 1990s to the end of 1990s, and the ecotope diversity of the eastern part is greater than the western part in western China, ②On scale of provinces (cities and regions), Shaanxi is the province with the highest simulated ecotope diversity, while Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Tibet Autonomous Region are two regions with the lowest simulated ecotope diversity, and Tibet Autonomous Region is with the most obvious variation of simulated ecotope diversity during the three periods, while Gansu and Chongqing are with the least change; ③On scale of counties, there are 11 ecotope diversity key areas in western China; ④The simulated ecotope diversity of western China is bigger than the provinces, and the simulated ecotope diversity of each province is bigger than the counties inside. The comparison between scales indicates that the scaling index is applicable to simulate ecological diversity on multi-scales.
出处 《地球信息科学》 CSCD 2006年第1期97-102,F0003,T0004,共8页 Geo-information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40371094)资助项目 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2002CB412506)。
关键词 生态多样性 空间尺度 SCALING生态多样性模型 ecological diversity spatial scale the scaling ecological diversity index
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