Mac-1, an adhesion molecule expressed on the surface of leukocytes, plays an important role in host-defence function and immunological response. It consists of two noncovalently linked polypeptides known as α( CD111b) and β(CD18) subunits. It contains two important domains known as l-domain which recognizes protein ligands and the lectin domain which recognizes polysaccharides. Mac-1 is expressed on nearly all neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and NK cells, but less on B cells, T cells and macrophages. Mac-1 functions as both an adhesion molecule for ICAM-1 expressed by stimulated endothelium mediating the diapedesis of leukocytes across the endothelium and a receptor for the iC3b fragment of complement responsible for cytotoxicity to microorganisms or target ceils opsonized with iC3b. It can also form a complex with many membrane glycoproteins, functioning as a signal transducing partner for them. An important finding was that soluble β-glucan could bind to Mac-1 and prime the receptor for cytotoxic function in response to iC3b-opsonized tumors, thus may pave the way for development of β-gh.can-like drugs that could generate Mac-1-dependent cytotoxicity following a humoral response to tumor antigens elicited by vaccines that would cause tumors to be opsonized with Abs and iC3b in cancer immunotherapy.
China Oncology