
白念珠菌的毒力因子研究新进展 被引量:2

Virulence Factors of Candida albicans
摘要 白念珠菌是一种重要的人类致病真菌,其毒力因素主要包括黏附因子、利于侵入酶的因子、白念珠菌的形态发生及表型转换等。白念珠菌毒力因子检测方法主要包括脲裂解方法,分裂基因法,用系统化处理方法来分析基因功能以及通过差异显示逆转录聚合酶链反应寻找可能的与毒力相关的基因。 Candida albicans is an important human fungal pathogen. We review the virulence factors of Candida albicans and their identification. The factors include adhesion molecules, enzymes for invasion, and factors responsible for morphogenesis and phenotypic switching of Candida albicans, etc. They may be detected by Ura-blaster methodology, gene splitting, analysis of gene function with systematic approaches and search of genes potentially related to virulence by differential-display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.
出处 《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 2006年第2期102-104,共3页 International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 念珠菌 白色 毒力因子类 Candida albican Virulence factors
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