

The Discursive Interests and Critical Tenets of Linguistic Critique
摘要 语言批判的理念沿袭及现实关怀,深刻隐蕴了历史范畴中人们对话语生成、生产、操纵及变节的多元化多学科多向度认识,而话语本身的社会性、辩证性、革命性和论证性也客观上预设和厘定了语言批判该有的批判对象、批判旨趣、批判方式等原则性取向,这些都表征了语言本真意义追寻中的心路历程和认知印迹。同时,对社会现象进行批判性话语研究,能够把我们的思维带入由生活世界构建的意义视域。 The notional evolution and realistic solicitude of linguistic critique is metaphorically pregnant with the pluralistic, multidisciplinary and multidimensional concepts of discourse in the minds of the philosophers, whereas the societal, dialectical, revolutionary and argumentational qualities of discourse have presupposed and determined the principium orientation of its critical objectives, critical interests and critical methodologies, which represents the inner course and cognitive footprints in the pursuit of the truth of language. Meanwhile, a critical disocourse study of social phenomena can bring our mentality into the horizon of Meaning which is constituted and constructed by lifeworld.
作者 胡云飞
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期26-31,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 语言批判 话语 社会 现实关怀 linguistic critique discourse society realistic solicitude
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