
基于DTD的XML文档内容检索研究 被引量:1

The Content-based Retrieval Study on XML Files based on the DTD
摘要 本文以DTD为基础详细讨论了XML文档内容检索的可能性并构建了相应的检索系统,分析了系统的基本模块功能和系统实现的主要技术难点,指出了系统的主要特点和局限。 On the base of DTD, the feasibility of content - based retrieval of XML files are detailedly discussed and the retrieval system is presented. The principal functions of system modules are analyzed, and the main technology difficulties are presented. At last, the main characteristics and the deficiencies of the system are pointed out.
作者 韩毅
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期409-412,共4页 Information Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(04BTQ025)
关键词 DTD XML文档 内容检索 检索机制 DTD XML files content- based retrieval retrieval mechanism
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