刑事附带民事诉讼的前提是,一个犯罪行为同时产生了两种法律责任: 刑事责任和民事责任,其中民事责任包括物质损害赔偿责任和精神损害赔偿责任,损害赔偿的形式既有物质的弥补,也有精神的抚慰。侵犯人身权的犯罪最易产生双重责任,如果对被告人仅追究刑事责任而放弃民事责任,违反哲学和经济学原理,是对人权的漠视,对公平的亵渎。
The precondition of the criminal with civil action is that one crime has two legal duties at the same time, the criminal duty and the civil duty. The civil duty consists of the amends duty of material damage and the amends duty of spiritual damage. The forms of the amends to the damage can be both the material atonement and the spiritual appeasement. There are easily two duties in assault and battery. If the accusers only run the criminal duty and abandon the civil duty to the accused, it is against the theory of philosophy and economics, disregarding the human rights and violating the fairness.
Journal of Liaoning Administrators College of Police and Justice