
营销渠道中的制度环境 被引量:4

Institutional Environment in Marketing Channels
摘要 以往的营销渠道研究都是从以效率为基础的任务环境出发,在很大程度上忽略了从以合法性为基础的制度环境出发对渠道治理过程进行研究。本文指出制度以及制度化过程对渠道治理策略形成的影响,并提出一个综合性概念框架,将新制度理论融入现有的营销渠道研究中来。作者应用新制度理论,提出制度化过程和三种治理机制以弥补现有的任务环境视角方法的不足,并指出可以从合法性和效率两个方面来衡量渠道成员的持续竞争优势。还指出持续性的竞争优势可通过合法性与效率两方面予以测度。 Most of the previous marketing channel studies have taken an efficiency-based task environment perspective and largely overlooked a legitimacy-based institutional environment approach in studying the process of channel governance. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the influence of institutions and institutional process on the formation of channel governance strategies, and develop a comprehensive conceptual model that incorporates the institutional theory into current marketing channel researches. Using institutional theory, the authors augment the current task environment perspective by developing the institutionalization process and its underlying three governing mechanisms. The authors also point out that the sustainable competitive advantage should be measured with both legitimacy and efficiency.
出处 《广东商学院学报》 2006年第1期15-22,共8页 Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies
关键词 营销渠道 任务环境 制度环境 新制度理论 效能 合法性 marketing channel task environment institutional environment institutional theory efficacy legitimacy
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