由于半导体量子阱结构限制电子和空穴到极薄区域的量子尺寸效应,导致了它具有二维台阶状的态密度。因此,用这种结构制备的量子阱激光器(QWL)具有低的阈值电流密度,窄的谱线宽度,宽的波长调谐范围以及高的调制频率响应知易实现大功率、短波长可见光输出等优点。本文在描述了这种结构的台阶状态密度分布的基础上,主要介绍了 QWL 主要优异特性和最近的发展水平。最后对今后的发展方向作了预测。
Due to the quantum size effect confing the electrons and holes to extremely thin regions in semiconductor quantum well structure,the energy depen- dence of the density of states for electrons and holes changes into two-dimensional staircase form,As a result,semiconductor quantum well lasers(QWLs)exhibit advantages of lower threshold current density,much narrower spectral linewidth, wider tuning range of the lasing wavelength and higher modulation frequency response compared to conventional semiconductor lasers.Moreover,the high power and visible wavelength from QWLs can be easily attained.The paper mainly introduces the excellent characteristics and recent advaces of QWLs based on description of the distribution of stircase-like density of states with in this structure.Finally,future trend in this field is forecasted.
Semiconductor Optoelectronics