
几种中药对高原脱适应者自由基代谢的影响 被引量:4

Effect of several Chinese herbs on free radical metabolism of patients with de-adaptation to high altitude
摘要 目的:探讨银杏叶片、复方红景天、复方党参和刺五加片对高原脱适应者自由基代谢的影响。方法:①选择2005-06在海拔5170m地区守防1年的57名健康男性青年,年龄17~24岁。上高原前体检确认健康,且均对干预方案及检测指标知情同意。将受试者随机分为5组:银杏叶片组(12名)、复方红景天组(12名)、刺五加组(11名)、复方党参组(11名)及对照组(11名)。②受试者换防下至海拔3700m前5d开始服用,返回平原第7d停药。银杏叶片组:口服银杏叶片(主要成分:银杏总黄酮甙,银杏苦内酯;江苏晨牌药业集团生产;生产批号:280604,40mg/片)2片/次;复方红景天组:复方红景天胶囊(主要成分:红景天,黄芪;青海三普药业公司生产;生产批号:020703,0.5g/粒)2粒/次;刺五加组:刺五加片(成分:刺五加;安徽仁济药业有限公司生产;生产批号:040112,80mg/片)3片/次;复方党参组:复方党参胶囊(主要成分:党参,沙参;天津洪福制药厂生产;生产批号:910709,0.4g/片)2粒/次;对照组:安慰剂(炒面胶囊)2粒/次,每日早晚各服1次。③停药后清晨采静脉血,采用化学比色法检测血中丙二醛、超氧化物歧化酶及一氧化氮合酶的水平,用硝酸还原酶法检测一氧化氮含量。④两组间比较采用独立样本的t检验;多组间比较根据方差齐性检验结果,方差齐时采用LSD单因素方差分析,方差不齐时采用Tamhane方差分析。结果:驻守高原青年57名均进入结果分析。①银杏叶片组、复方红景天组和复方党参组一氧化氮、一氧化氮合酶水平明显高于对照组(P<0.05~0.01),丙二醛水平明显低于对照组犤(4.00±0.24),(4.07±0.22);(4.04±0.18),(4.41±0.35)μmol/LP<0.05犦。②复方党参组血清超氧化物歧化酶水平明显高于对照组犤(1.980±0.167),(1.809±0.122)μkat/L,P<0.05犦。③银杏叶片组、复方红景天组和复方党参组血清丙二醛水平明显低于刺五加组犤(4.28±0.23)μmol/L,P<0.05犦。④复方红景天组血清一氧化氮、一氧化氮合酶水平明显高于刺五加组犤复方红景天组:犤(97.4±14.7)μmol/L,(1.165±0.178)μkat/L犦;刺五加组:犤(81.2±12.6)μmol/L,(0.988±0.173)μkat/L,P<0.05犦。⑤复方党参组血清一氧化氮水平明显高于刺五加组犤(96.5±15.4)μmol/L,(79.9±13.5)μmol/L,P<0.05犦。结论:银杏叶片、复方红景天和复方党参均具有明显减轻高原脱适应者机体脂质过氧化反应,降低再供氧损伤的功效,而刺五加此方面的功效不明显。 AIM: To investigate the effect of gingkgo biloba, rhodiola, ciwujia plan and compound dangshen on free radical metabolism of patients with deadaptation to high altitude. METHODS: ① Totally 57 healthy youths from 17 to 24 years old stayed at 5.170 meters altitude for 1 year were selected in June 2005. Medical examination had been done before went to high altitude, they all agreed with the scheme and test index. All subjects were divided into 5 groups: 12 persons in gingkgo biloba group, 12 persons in rhodiola group, 11 persons in ciwujia group, 11 persons in compound dangshen group and 11 persons in control group. ② Five days before they descended to plain, subjects in each group took gingkgo biloba, rhodiola, ciwujia pian, compound dangshen and placebo twice a day until descend to sea level for 1 week. Gingkgo biloba group: oral yinxingye pian (main component: total ginkgo seed flavonoid glycoside and ginkgolide; Jiangsu Chenpai Pharmacological Group; batch number: 280604, 40 mg/pill), two pills once; compound hongjingtian group: compound hongjingtian capsule (main component: hongtingtian and huangqi; Qinghai Sanpu Pharmacological Company; batch number: 020703, 0.5 g/pill), two pills once; ciwujia group: ciwujia plan (component: fiwujia; Anhui Renji Pharmacological Company Limited; batch number: 040112, 80 mg/pill), three pills once: compound dangshen group: compound dangshen capsule (main component: dangshen and shashen: Tianjin Hongfu Pharmacological Factory; batch number: 910709, 0.4 g/pill), two pills once; control group: placebo (capsule Of fried noodles), two pills once, administration in the morning and evening respectively. ③ Venous blood was selected in the morning. Levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and nitricoxide synthase (NOS) were measured with chemical chromatometry, and content of nitrogen monoxide (NO) was assayed with nitrate reductase. ④ Independent-samples t test was used between two groups; one-way anona was used in more groups, LSD method was adopted during regular variance, but Tamhane analysis of variance was used adopted during irregular variance. RESULTS: Totally 57 cases entered the final analysis. ① Levels of NO and NOS were higher in gingkgo biloba group, rhodiola group and compound dangshen group than those in control group (P 〈 0.05-0.01), but level of MDA in those groups were lower than those in control group [(4.00±0.2At), (4.07±0.22); (4.04±0.18), (4.41±0.35) μmol/L, P 〈 0.05]. ② SOD level in compound dangshen group was higher than that in control group [(1.980±0.167), (1.809±0.122) μkat/L, P 〈 0.05]. ③ MDA level in gingkgo biloba group, rhodiola group and compound dangshen group were lower than that in eiwujia group [(4.28±0.23) μmol/L, P 〈 0,05]. ④ Levels of NO and NOS in rhodiola group were higher than those in ciwujia group [rhodiola group: (97.4±14.7)μmol/L, (1.165±0.178) μkat/L; ciwujia group: (81.2±12.6) μmol/L; (0.988±0.173)μkat/L, P 〈 0.05]. ⑤ NO level in compound dangshen group was higher than that in ciwujia group [(96.5±15.4) μmol/L, (79.9±13.5) μmol/L, P 〈 0.05]. CONCLUSION: Gingkgo biloba, rhodiola and compound dangshen can alleviate lipid over-oxidation and reduce re-oxygen-supply damages of deadaptation to high altitude, but the effect of ciwujia is not obvious.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期84-86,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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