
论元控制谓词与非论元控制谓词的逻辑语义分析与计算 被引量:4

Logic Semantic Analysis and Computation of Argument Controlling Predicates and Non-argument Controlling Predicates
摘要 本文从逻辑语义研究的视角出发,把汉语中由动词充当的谓词情况归纳为论元控制谓词和非论元控制谓词,其中,论元控制谓词又分为主语论元控制谓词和宾语论元控制谓词。本文对这几类谓词的语义性质进行了形式化的定义,并对宾语论元控制谓词做出了进一步的次类区分和归纳。此外,本文在最后部分对所划分出的谓词类别在Prolog语言环境下做了典型个案的实现。 This paper classifies the verb-predicates into two kinds, argument controlling predicates and non-argument controlling predicates, while the former can be further divided into argument-as-subject controlling predicates and argument-as-object controlling predicates. These classifications are well defined from the view of formal analysis. Besides, the paper treats the argument-as-object controlling predicates with further detailed sub-classifications. Finally, the Prolog implementation is used to execute a case example of each kind.
作者 吴平
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期5-10,56,共7页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 2004年度国家社会科学基金项目《自然语言逻辑与汉语信息处理》的资助,项目批准号为04BZX045
关键词 论元控制谓词 非论元控制谓词 逻辑翻译 Prolog语言的实现 controlling predicates non-argument controlling predicates logic translation Prolog implementation
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