
北京地区正常面部软组织不对称性的三维测量研究 被引量:7

Three-dimensional morphometry of facial soft tissue asymmetry
摘要 目的应用数字化立体摄影测量系统进行正常面部软组织不对称性的三维测量,获得面部软组织在三维方向上的不对称向量。方法选择40例正常成人进行面部软组织不对称性的三维测量,计算面部软组织在三维方向上的不对称向量。结果男性组和女性组都是右侧面部较大,但男女无显著性差异;面部不对称量都是在x轴上分布最多;面部越靠面下部的点和越靠外侧面的点,其不对称量越大。结论用三维摄影测量的分析方法显示面部中下部的不对称性更为明显;三维立体摄影测量是较好的研究面部软组织不对称性的方法。 Objective To acquire the data of the soft-tissue facial asymmetry vector. Methods Stereophotogrammetry, a kind of three-dimensional soft tissue facial morphometry, was applied to measure the facial asymmetry vector in 40 adults with normal occlusion. Results A certain degree of soft-tissue facial asymmetry was found in the 40 normal occlusion adults, and it was evident especially in the middle and lower third of the face. Conclusion The facial asymmetry in the middle and lower third of the face in normal occlusion adults is more obvious. Stereophotogrammetry is an effective method for three-dimensional soft tissue facial asymmetry diagnosis and study.
出处 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2006年第1期50-52,共3页 Beijing Journal of Stomatology
关键词 面部软组织三维测量 面部不对称性 正常[牙合] Three-dimensional soft morphometry Soft-tissue facial asymmetry Normal occlusion
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