建立用HPLC-ELSD法测定蒺藜皂苷1(Terrestrosin 1)的含量。用Diamonsil C18柱;乙腈-水(36:64)为流动相。蒺藜皂苷1在15~3000弘g·ml。范围内,进样量与峰面积有良好的线性关系(n=6,r=0.9997)。回收率为98.39%,RSD为1.11%(n=9)。测定三批蒺藜皂苷1含量均〉98%。方法简便准确,可作为蒺藜皂苷1的含量测定方法。
An HPLC-ELSD method was established for determination of terrestrosin 1. A Diamonsil C18 column and evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) were used. Acetonitrile-water (36 : 64) were used as mobile phase. There was a good linear relationship (r=0. 99997, n= 6,)when terrestrosin 1 was 15- 3000μg·ml^-1. The recovery rate was 98.39% and RSD was 1.11% (n=9). The content of terresrosin 1 in any of the three batches tested was greater than 98%. The method was simple and accurate. It could be used for the determination of Terrestrosin 1.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs