主要研究分析了流媒体技术在网络传输中的特性、原理,以及现代实时传输协议RTP/RTCP协议的传输机制,最后通过实例,介绍了使用W indowsM ed ia Technologies构建的远程教育系统,从系统的实现原理到系统的编码器、服务器和客户端的功能设置都进行了完整的阐述.
In this paper, we mainly researched the application of streaming media in distant education, analysed real-time transmission, studied the protocol model, such as RTP/RTCP, analyzed and contrasted their concept and mechanism. We also introduced several main platforms of streaming media. Finally, a distant education system based on Microsoft Windows Media Technique was established. This paper introduced the whole process, including the project design, protocol,technique used in the system.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition