大立板是JKK60胶管接头扣压机的一个重要组成部分,由于大立板在扣压过程中受力,导致大立板变形,从而影响扣压质量。通过ANSYS有限元进行模拟分析,采用Solid 92单元,建立大立板的有限元模型,从直观了解到大立板应力分布情况,并得到大立板的变形值。最后通过实验论证模型的正确性。此结果为大立板以后的改进提供了理论依据。
Big stand board is a important part of JKK60 hose crimper. It receives strength in the course of crimping, cause heavy to big stand board out of shape, and then influence the quality of crimping. The paper is analyzed and simulated with the use of the ANSYS finite element methods, adopt solid 92 clement, set up finite element model of the board, get the picture of stress distribution, receive the great deformation value and proved with the experiments. The result offers the theoretical foundation for revising in future.
Mechanical Research & Application