
坚持“两个务必” 深刻把握共产党执政规律

Persevering "Two Advices" and making clear the principle of the Communist Party for being in power
摘要 深刻认识、准确把握执政规律,是一个政党不断增强执政能力的基本体现,也是一个政党巩固执政地位的关键。只有不断探索执政规律,才能把握历史发展的趋势和走向,提高执政能力,巩固执政地位,实现执政目标,完成肩负的历史使命。应该说,我们党对执政规律的探索从未停止过。以毛泽东为核心的第一代中央领导集体,迈出了探索执政规律的第一步。毛泽东“两个务必”思想的提出,体现了党对执政规律的深刻认识和科学把握。首先,“两个务必”开拓了保持党的先进性,巩固和扩大执政基础的新境界。第二,“两个务必”找到了跳出“历史周期律”怪圈的新途径。第三,“两个务必”体现了党对把握执政规律的新探索。 Profoundly understanding and appropriately carrying out the principle of being in power is a basic representation of a party in its effort to continuously strengthen its governing ability. And it is also a key point for enhancing its governing position. Only with the deep study of how to govern a nation, can the Chinese Communist Party make clear the tendency and direction of the nation's development, enhance the ability of governing, strengthen the position of governing, realize the objects of governing and accomplish the history tasks on its shoulders. We can say that our Party has never stopped the study of governing principle. The first generation of the central committee with Mao Zedong as its core leader, stepped the first step of exploring the principle of governing China. The thought of "Two Advices" spoken by Mao Zedong represented the deep understanding and scientific carrying out of the Party's governing principle, Firstly,"two Advices" leads all the Party's members to keep doing best among people, strengthen governing basis and enlarge the scope of governing. Secondly, "Two Advices" has led the Party to find out the way to jump out of the strange circle of "historical periodicity". Thirdly,"Two Advices" represents the newest exploration for understanding the governing principle.
出处 《石家庄职业技术学院学报》 2006年第1期1-4,共4页 Journal of Shijiazhuang College of Applied Technology
关键词 “两个务必” 执政规律 先进性 历史周期律 "Two Advices" governing principle advanced historical periodicity
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