
微流体数字化的科学与技术问题(Ⅱ):物质数字化及物质能量信息统一数字化概念研究 被引量:21

Scientific and Technological Problems of Digitalization of Microfluids (Part II):Conceptual Study of Digitalization of Matter and Integrated Digitalization of Matter-Energy-Information
摘要 定义的物质数字化是物质自身或相互间的数字化,物质能量信息统一数字化是这三者作为统一体组成部分而协调地各自传输与相互转化的数字化,把数字化界说为微传输与微转化在时间上是节拍化、物理量取值是规整化且该节拍和规整是脉冲序列可控的。阐述了在几何、物理、化学、生物诸方面物质微转化的内容和用途;分析了电效应与流体、化学、生物效应在所述两个数宇化中的互补作用;指出了现有信息数字化和我们的微流体数字化技术为实现两个数字化提供的基础和开辟的道路:指出基础力学体系对微米、纳米系统规模应用的指导意义,认为代表尺寸递减时系统历经3个层次,建议把牛顿力学、量子力学单独指导的第一、第三层次作为现阶段规模应用重点。 We define the digitalization of matter as one, in which substances change digitally in some respects of themselves or from one kind to another, and the integrated digitalization of matter-energy-information as that, in which the three, as constituents of a unified body, are coordinately and digitally transported respectively and transformed mutually, "Digitally" means in a controllable pulse manner, whieh is rhythmic in time and standardized in the value of a quantity. The contents and applications of the micro transform of matter are stated in geometrical, physical, chemical and biological fields, The mutual complementation of the electric effects and the fluidic, chemical and biologieal effects in the two kinds of digitalization mentioned above is expounded, It is emphasized that the mass scale application of microsystems and nano ones should he supervised by a proper fundamental mechanics theory, We think that a system, when its representative dimensions reduce, will experience three levels, and suggest that the first and third levels, in which Newtonian mechanics and quantum mechanics, respectively, take a supervisory part, should enjoy priority in mass scale application consideration.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第3期41-47,共7页 Science & Technology Review
基金 江苏省科技攻关计划项目(BE2005013)国家自然科学基金项目(50275079)国家"863计划"项目(2001AA423220)
关键词 粘性流体力学 微流体数字化 物质数字化 物质能量信息统一数字化 微传输与微转化 规模应用 微系统 纳米系统 viscous fluid mechanics digitalization of mierofluids digitalization of matter integrated digitalization of matter-energy-information micro transport and transform mass scale application micro systems nano systems
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