
《多哈宣言》中药品知识产权保护及其正当性——以公共健康危机为切入点 被引量:1

Pharmaceutical intellectual property protection in "Declaration of Doha"
摘要 尽管《多哈宣言》本身存着某些缺陷,但它的通过对不发达国家的公共健康有不同寻常的意义,同时也是人权对知识产权保护的一次反思和胜利。立足于人权和财产权的利益平衡,尤其是特定情形下基本人权的优位、公平原则,药品知识产权国际保护必须考虑不发达国家的公共健康,以寻求二者的最佳平衡。 "Declaration of Doha" has a significant meaning for the undeveloped countries, and it is a victory of human rights in the protection of intellectual property, though there exist some defects which remain to be solved. We must consider the public health of undeveloped countries in making the laws of international protection of pharmaceutical intellectual property in order to reach the best balance between developed countries and undeveloped countries.
机构地区 华侨大学法学院
出处 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期105-108,共4页 Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)
关键词 《多哈宣言》 药品知识产权 公共健康 "Declaration of Doha" pharmaceutical intellectual property public health
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  • 2Carlos M. Correa,lntellectual Property Rights: the WTO and Developing Countries, ISBNI 85649 736 4 Hb,p.3.
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  • 4WTO Minisisters Likely to Face Difficult Choice on TRIPS, Public Health, U.S. Trade Special Report 1, Oct 30,2001.
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  • 8Iris Cecilia C Gonzales, RP rejects bid to limit coverage of drug imports to emergencies, Business World, Manila: Feb 20, 2003. p.1
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