One of the major depositional coastal features in Hong Kong is hey barriers (bay bars).The typical one is found in Put O bay of Lantun Island, Hong Kong. Previous studies have provideddifferent hypotheses for the origin of the old (inner) bay bar at Pui O. However, lack of directevidence was seen in those studies. This study shows the aeolian action in the development of the baybarriers in Hong Kong by analysis of the sediment characteristics in the bay and relationships betweenthe deposition process of the bay bars and sea level changes at Pui O.The percentage contents of shells in the deposits.of the inner bar decreased upwards sharply so thatthe deposits in the upper part of the inner bar apparently differed from those of the present beach butwere similar to those in the upper layers of the dried lagoon, indicating that the sediments from the seadecreased and ones from other sources were added. Grain size became finer upwards and the sortingdegree improved upwards in the inner bar. However, the finest sands were not located in the top layersof the inner bar but in the layers where the shells begsn to decrease, showing that the deposition agentchanged in association with the change of the sediment source for the inner bar. Some of the grains inthe upper layers of the inner bar being characterized by irregulars outline and lack of subaqueoustexture with upturned plates and conchoidal fracture, denoting that they did not come from modernbeach.The evidence above shows the following regulations in the development of hay bars in Hong Kongcoasts: Firstly, the deposition agent alters from waves to wind bringing depositS up to the bay bornerin the later sarge of the bay barrier development. Secondly, the sediment source for the inner barchanges from the beach material to the aeolian deposit brought by wind from both the upper layers ofthe dried lagoon and modern beach. Thirdly, the height difference of the inner and outer bay barsresulted from the different degree of the aeolian deposition and had no relationship to sea level changesin the bay and finally, the aeolian actions in the hays were not very prevalent.
Journal of Desert Research