根据器件结构的优化设计,严格控制生长参数以及理想的器件制备工艺获得了低漏电高增益InGaAs/InP SAGM雪崩光电二极管。测量了百余支器件,0.9V_b下漏电流I_d<20nA;响应度~(0.7—0.8)mA/mW,最大倍增30—85(入射光波长1.3μm,功率1.6μW),参与倍增的暗电流l_(dm)最小可达0.25nA。
Optimum designing the device structure, strictlv controlling the parameters of LPE growthand perfect fabricating processing of devices, the In GaAs/InP SAGM APDs with low dark currentand high multiplication factor have been obtainecl.More than one hundred devices havebeen measured. The responsivity and the multiplication factor of these devices are about 0.7-0.8 mA/mW and 30-85, respectively (incident ligint wavelength 1.3μm, light power 1.6μW).The dark currents participated in the avalanche m(?)tiplication process and at 0.9V_b are less than2 nA and 20 nA, respectively.