
合乎历史 顺乎民意——论《反分裂国家法》出台的意义

The Choice of the History,the Will of the People——Comment on the Promulgation of Anti-national Division Act
摘要 《反分裂国家法》是中国政府为了反对和遏制“台独”势力分裂祖国,促进祖国和平统一所制订的一部法律。它体现了国家意志,代表了全中国人民的心声,是一部和平统一的法、一部促进两岸关系发展的法,也是一部中国自主解决台湾问题的法。它的出台有助于反对和遏制“台独”势力分裂国家,有助于促进两岸关系稳定发展,有助于维护台海地区的和平与稳定,合乎历史,顺乎民心。 Anti-national Division Act is a law promulgated by the Chinese government to oppose and restrain the division of the country and promote the peaceful unification of the motherland. It is a law to represent the interest of the nation and the will of the people over the country; it is a law to achieve peaceful unification and the promotion of relationship of two sides of the Strait; it is also a law to show that the Chinese government will independently solve the Taiwang issue. The promulgation is of great help to the opposition and restraint of the country' s division by the "Taiwang division" force, to the stable development of between the two sides, and also to the stability in the Taiwang and the strait regions. Anti-national Division Act conforms with the history and reflect the will of the people over the country.
作者 袁成亮 袁炜
出处 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science
关键词 开罗宣言 台湾回归祖国 国共内战 “台独”分子 反分裂国家法 祖国统一 Cairo Proclamation Talwang' return to the motherland the civil war between the Communist party and Kuomingtang the Taiwang independence Anti-national Division Act unification of the motherland
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