从2005年的投资行情来看,一些新兴产业与高成长行业将成为2006年的关注重点。众多投资基金的投资有60%至70%集中在 IT、通信、新材料。
Viewing the investment quotations on the market of the year of 2005,it is clear that some developing and fast-growing industries will attract much of the attention in 2006.60% to 70% of the numerous investment funds focuses on areas of the burgeoning industries such as IT,telecommunication,new ma- terial and biopharmacy. According to the analysis provided by the global supervi- sor of investment risks consulting service of Ernst % Young, Jil Furill(待核实),China is now at the critical stage when development becomes the breeding ground of technology innovation,“investment risk organization has to play an important role to ensure that correct elements be put into the Chinese market, and to speed up its pace of growing into a center of sustainable development for risk investment.”
Faren Magazine