
效率与正义:一场经济学与法学的对话 被引量:15

Efficiency and Justice : A dialogue between economics and law
摘要 property right在经济学中被翻译成“产权”,而在法学中被翻译成“财产权”。从表面看,两者的含义大同小异;但在实际操作过程中,两者的价值取向截然不同。由此体现了传统经济学与传统法学的局限性,凸显出效率与正义之间的紧张与冲突。1973年,美国芝加哥大学法学院波斯纳教授《法律的经济分析》出版,使这种局面有了根本改观。但在此后很长时期内,这种改观只是由法学家单方面作出的努力。2000年以来,由萨缪·鲍尔斯、赫伯特·金迪斯和恩斯特·费尔为代表的经济学家终于对此作出了回应,试图在主流经济学框架内为正义之维寻求合理的地位。在他们最近发表的一系列文献中,正义不仅内生于效率,而且是效率得以维持的重要条件之一。 Property right has different corresponding words in Chinese economics community and laws community. It seems similar but in practice quite different they are. This difference implies the localization of both traditional economics and laws, which suggests the conflicts between efficiency and justice. 1973 the book Economic Analysis of Law by Pro. Posner was published, which changed the impasse. But a long time since that there has been endeavor only from legists. These years, after 2000, some economists, such as Samule Bowles, Herbert Gintis and Enst Fehr replied this problem. They tried to find the logical station of justice dimension within the frame of the main stream economics. In some works they reported recently, justice is endogenesis in efficiency and an important condition for efficiency to hold.
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期26-31,共6页 Academic Monthly
关键词 产权财 产权 效率 正义 经济学 法学 property right, justice, efficiency
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