目的分析百岁老人表型谱的类型及其影响寿限的环境。方法对220 A.D.以前2 000+a的在3本史书上记载的百岁以上老人的相关资料进行归类列表分析。结果百岁老人的长寿表型谱,分别具有1或3类不等;长寿与职业(含无论修道与否)无关;适度的并与其表型谱相适应的长寿相关环境因素有:营养、适量地运动、音乐、天人相应适应自然节律、气功、心理修养、药物、针灸、性卫生、吸入外源长寿蛋白等。结论根据遗传学表型的表达式可导出长寿线性数学模型:P’寿限(长寿)表型=G’(长寿遗传背景)+E’(环境经历)+G’E’(与遗传背景相或不相适应的措施的相互作用)+ε’(失误及误差)。
Objective It is to analyze the phenotype profile types of the old man over one hundred ages and the environment of affecting life span. Methods The correlative data of the old man over one hundred ages recorded on three history books 2 000 + a before 220 A.D. was analyzed with classifying and tabulating. Results There are a kinds of 1 or 3 phenotype profiles being of the longevity personages each ones, there is no relationship between longevity and occupations including whither accomplishing Taoism or not, there are many longevity environment that adapt to and within measure with their phenotype profile of longevity ones as there are: nutrition, exercising temperately, music, corresponding between man and univese for relevant adaptation of the human body to nature environment as rhythm, Qigong, psychology accomplishing, medicines, acupuncture, sexual hygiene, extra longevity protein absorbing in etc. Conclusion A mathematics linear model of longevity is pushed over out according to the formula of genetics phenotype that is: P' (the life span, longevity variance) = G' (the longevity genetic background) + E' (environment come through) + G'E' (interaction between the measure and the profiles to suit or not with their genetic background) + ε' (lapsus and error).
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
life span
phenotype profile
longevity environment
mathematics linear longevity model