猪内源性逆转录病毒(Porcine en-dogenous retrovirus,PERV)是新发现的对人细胞具有感染性的且存在于正常猪体内的病毒,在异种组织器官移植过程中可能向人传播,直接威胁到接受移植者的健康甚至生命,这是异种组织器官移植首要克服的难题。由于PERV近年来才受到广泛关注,所以人们对PERV的分类,对人类和其他动物的危害性及病原的检测均不能完全确定。文章旨在提供上述几方面的研究现状,以期为PERV的深入研究奠定基础。PERV能影响移植受体的生殖,抑制受体免疫体系;对其他物种的细胞或活体都可能产生体外和体内感染性;目前有多种PERV检测方法,为受体和供体的病毒监控提供了依据。
Porcine endogenous retrovirus was found to infect human cell recently and existed in normal pigs, which was probably to spread to human in the course of xenotransplantation and could be a threat to people's health and life. This was deemed to be a critical problem to be settled. Because PERV was a latecomer to intrigue the researchers' attention, its taxonomy, harmfulness to human and animals and detection methods were not completely determined so far. Therefore, the paper was employed to summary the progress of the content above. PERV was thought probably to affect the adopter's reproduction and impede immune system after infection. PERV may invade other cells or bodies in vivo or in vitro. Several methods to detect PERV have been developed, which provided basis for the control of virus in the donor and adopters' bodies.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine