
Chinese Surveying and Control Network for Earth-Orbit Satellites and Deep Space Detection

Chinese Surveying and Control Network for Earth -Orbit Satellites and Deep Space Detection
摘要 The relationship between the surveying and contro l network(CSN) for earth-orbit satellite and spatial geodesy, and the relationshi p between the CSN for deep space celestial bodies and detectors, and deep space detection are briefly summarized, and so are the basic technical needs of the de ep space surveying and control network(DSN). Then, the techniques, the constitue nts and the distributing of Chinese satellite CSN (CSCSN) and other radio observ ing establishments in China are introduced. Lastly, with the primary CSCSN and o ther observing establishments, some projects for China to rebuild a more perfect CSCSN, and to establish a DSN are analyzed and stated. The relationship between the surveying and control network(CSN) for earth-orbit satellite and spatial geodesy, and the relationship between the CSN for deep space celestial bodies and detectors, and deep space detection are briefly summarized, and so are the basic technical needs of the deep space surveying and control network(DSN). Then, the techniques, the constituents and the distributing of Chinese satellite CSN (CSCSN) and other radio observing establishments in China are introduced. Lastly, with the primary CSCSN and other observing establishments, some projects for China to rebuild a more perfect CSCSN, and to establish a DSN are analyzed and stated.
出处 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2006年第1期6-12,37,共8页 地球空间信息科学学报(英文)
基金 FundedbytheNational973ProgramofChina(No.2006CB701301)andtheOpenResearchFundProgramoftheKeyLaboratoryofGeospaceEnviromentandGeodesy,MinistryofEducation,China(No.030410).
关键词 数据平滑网络 网络控制 卫星测量 微波雷达 空间检测 satellite surveying and control network DSN microwave radio radar LLR DSCCs radio observation space-based station
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  • 1LiuJingnan,WeiErhu.HuangJinsong(2004)Deep spacenetworkanditsapplications[].Geomaticsand InformationScienceofWuhanUniversity.








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