
应用Heath-Carter法分析大连市汉族青少年学生体型发育特征 被引量:4

Characteristics of somatotype growth of adolescence students of Han-nationality in Dalian with the Heath-Carter anthropometric method
摘要 目的:采用Heath-Carter法分析大连市区汉族青少年学生的体型发育状况、分布特点以及性差异、地区差异等,为指导青少年儿童健康成长提供实验依据。方法:实验于2004-05/12抽取大连市区的两所小学、一所初中、一所高中的7~18岁在校汉族学生2134名,男1121名,女1013名。采用国际通用的Heath-Carter人体测量法,具体包括:身高、体质量、肱三头肌部皮褶厚、肩胛下角部皮褶厚、髂前上棘部皮褶厚、小腿后皮褶厚、上臂紧张围、小腿围、肱骨远端宽和股骨远端宽共10个指标。数据全部输入计算机的Excel表格中,并编辑程序计算内、中、外因子值、身高体质量指数、x和y值作体型图,最后进行数据的统计学处理。结果:按意向处理分析,实验抽取大连市区7~18岁在校汉族学生2134名,全部完成测量内容而进入结果分析。①大连市区7~18岁在校汉族学生各年龄段内、中、外因子值情况:大连男女学生随年龄增长内因子值呈增加趋势,中因子值随年龄变化不明显,外因子值在青春期前随年龄逐渐增加,而青春期后均呈下降趋势。②大连市区7~18岁在校汉族学生各年龄段体型分布图的构建:在体型分布图上,男生在7岁、8岁年龄段趋向于中胚层区域,而随年龄增长逐渐向内胚层偏移;女生在7岁、8岁年龄段处于三角体型图的中心附近,随年龄变化由中间向偏外胚层的内胚层区域偏移,13岁以后又向内胚层方向移动,直至达到偏中胚层的内胚层体型区域。③大连市区7~18岁在校汉族学生各年龄段内、中、外胚层体型的构成情况:男生总体内胚层体型占45.51%,中胚层体型占14.51%,外胚层体型占36.42%,三胚层中间型占3.56%。;女生总体内胚层体型占62.38%,中胚层体型占4.75%,外胚层体型占31.48%,三胚层中间型占1.39%。各年龄段内、中、外3种胚层体型的构成比均有明显的性别差异(P<0.05)。④大连市区7~18岁在校汉族学生各年龄段与其他群体体型均值的比较:大连男生在各年龄段内因子值均高于其他群体,中因子值与其他群体相接近,外因子值在多数年龄段则均处在所有人群中的最低位。大连女生内因子值和外因子值在多数年龄段均高于其他群体,而中因子值在7~10岁处于中等水平,12岁开始处最低位。结论:不同地区的青少年,由于受营养状况、饮食习惯、生活环境、气候、体育锻炼等因素的影响,男女学生体型存在着明显的性别差、地区差和民族差。 AIM: To analyze the status, distributing character, sex differences and area differences of somatotype growth of the urban adolescents of Hannationality in Dalian with Heath-Carter method to supply scientific basis for instructing in the healthy growth of the adolescence and accumulate data for anthropology. METHODS: A total of 2134 subjects (1121 males, 1013 females) of healthy Han nationality of two elementary schools, one middle school and one high school of Dalian aged 7-18 were somatotyped by Heath-Carter anthropometry from May to December 2004. Ten items were assayed including body height, body mass, skin fold of triceps brachii muscles, skin fold of subscapularis, skin fold of anterior superior iliac spine, skin fold of shank, tension line of upper ann, line of shank, width of digital end of humerus and femur. All the data were input into Excel table in computer. Values of intrinsic factor, mid factor and extrinsic factor, rates of body height and body mass, value of x and y, data were measured and calculated to draw figures and statistical disposal was done. RESULTS: According to intention-to-treat analysis, all the 2134 urban Han adolescences in school in Dalian aged 7-18 were involved in the analysis of results. ①Status of values of intrinsic factor, mid factor and extrinsic factor of urban Han adolescences in school in Dalian aged 7-18: Values of intrinsic factor increased in males and females in all ages. Values of mid factor varied little with ages. Values of extrinsic factor gradually increased with age, and after adolescence trended to decrease. ② Construction of somatotype distribution chart: The somatotype in males at age 7 and 8 years trended to mesomorphic, moved to endomorphic sector with ages increasing. The somatotype in females at age 7 and 8 years was in central sector, and then moved to ectomorphic-endomorphic, after 13 years old moved to endomorphic sector, finally fell in mesomorphic-endomorphic. ③Endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic structure: The endomorphic somatotypo in general in males was 45.51% , mesomorphic somatotypo was 14.51%, and ectomorphic somatotype was 36.42%. Middle type of three somatotypes was 3.56%. The endomorphic somatotype in girls was 62.38%, mesomorphic somatotype was 4.75%, ectomorphic somatotype was 31.48%. Middle type of three somatotypes was 1.39%. There were significant sex differences in the three somatotypes in all ages (P 〈 0.05). (4)Comparison of mean value in Han students and other population: The values of intrinsic factor of Dalian males of every age group were larger than other groups, the values of mid factor of Dalian males of every age group were similar to other groups, and the values of extrinsic factor of Dalian males of most age groups were the smallest among other groups. The values of intrinsic factor and extrinsic factor of Dalian females of most age groups were higher than other groups, the values of mid factor were in middle level in 7-10 years group, and were the smallest in 12 years group among other groups. CONCLUSION: There are significant sex differences, area differences and nationality differences of somatotypes of males and females, which are affected by nutrition status, diet habit, living environment, climate, physical training and so on in teenagers from different areas.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期16-20,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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