Objective To investigate the relationship of apoptosis of microglia and neuron in adult rats following fast decompression. Methods A model of decompression sickness in rat was reproduced by exposure to 1MPa 5.5min followed by rapid decompression (50s). Brain tissues were collected at Oh, 6h, 24h, 48h and 72h after decompression. The microglia were examined after histochemical staining with FITC-conjugated Isolectin-B4. Cell apoptosis was detected by in situ end labeling TUNEL methods. Results A few IB4-positive microglia could be seen in the brain tissue collected 6h after decompression, and the number of lB4-positive microglia was greatest at 24h (P〈0. 01), and it decreased at 48h (still higher than that at 6h, P〈0. 01), restored in 72h. There were a few TUNEL positive cells in brain tissue 6h after decompression, their number peaked in 48h (P〈0. 01), then it decreased at 72h, but it was still more than that at 6h (P〈0. 05). The apoptosis cells appeared to be neurons by their morphology. The IB4 positive microgIia and the apoptosis neurons were located in the same region in the brain, having a similar trend of changes, though the former change preceded that of the latter. There was positive correlation between them. Conclusion Apoptosis of the neurons and active microglia appeared in the process of the brain injury, and they were induced by hazardous fast decompression. The active microglia may play an important role in apoptosis of neurons after fast decompression.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army