AIM: To test the ability of mulUfocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) in the detecting of glaucoma by comparing the mfVEP recorded from normal subjects and glaucoma patients.
METHODS: The mfVEP of 32 normal eyes (n=21) and of 58 eyes (n=37) with primary glaucoma were recorded with the Vision Monitor electrophysical apparatus by the second kernel analysis and to determine the correlation of the topographic location between them.
RESULTS: There were significant variability (the coefficient of variation was 43.05%) in mfVEP RMS amplitude in the normal subjects; The RMS amplitude of eyes with glaucoma were smaller than that of the normal eyes and significanUy statisUcal difference were found in the relatively center (namely the 0°-10°ring zone) and in superior nasal quadrant (P〈0.05) while there were no significantly statistical differences of the latency time between them.
CONCLUSION: The normal subjects have large individual variability of mfVEP responses. The RMS amplitude of the mfVEP of glaucomatous eyes descends, especially in center zone and superior nasal quadrant.
International Eye Science
multifocal visual evoked potential
primary glaucoma