语义Web是未来web的发展方向,是信息可以被机器理解和使用的新的信息环境。语叉Web的出现,彻底改变了web上信息的组织方式,对于各种网络信息应用都将产生巨大影响。本文首先对Semantic Web的概况进行了简要介绍,然后详细分析了语义Web体系的主要支持技术(XML、BDF),最后探讨了语义Web技术对网络信息检索的影响。
Semaantic Web is the future of today' s web, which is a new space where the information inside can be understood and used by machines . Semantic Web Will change the way of organizing information on web and make a significant influence on lots of web information applications. This paper firstly presents a brief introduction to Semantic Web, and then analyzes in detail the main technologies supporting Semantic Web such as XML and RDF. Finally, the influence of Semantic Web on web information retrieval is discussed.
Digital Library Forum