
太原市大气环境污染规律分析 被引量:1

Analysis of air pollution regularity in Taiyuan
摘要 对近年来太原市大气环境监测结果进行分析,揭示了太原市大气环境主要污染物种类、污染水平及时空分布。 The analysis of environmental monitoring results in recent years suggest that the daily concentration of SO2 of the atmosphere in Taiyuan is 0. 443 mg/m3 the maximum in the morning and becomes lower (0. 186 mg/m3) in the afternoon, 0. 714 mg/m3 the maximum in the winter and lower (0. 132 mg/m3) in summer in a year, and 0. 394 mg/m3 the maximum in 1989 and the lowest in 1990, after then it is increasing. The content of total suspended particles is highest in 1989 and lowest in 1990, and increasing in positive relationship in recent years. Taiyuan is primarily of the old heavy industries, for which, coal is the main type of feul. The location surrounded by mountains which are unfavourable for the dispersing of pollutants. Although the pollution is basically controlled by the comprehensive environmental harness, however, there is still long way to go in improving the atmosphere environment quality.
出处 《华北地质矿产杂志》 1996年第2期209-212,共4页
关键词 大气环境 污染 二氧化硫 总悬浮微粒 太原市 atmospheric environment, pollution, SO2, total suspended particles,Taiyuan
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