
银杏叶提取物对肾病综合征患儿高凝状态的影响 被引量:11

Effects of Extract of Ginkgo Biloba Leaf on Hypercoagulability in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
摘要 目的探讨银杏叶提取物对儿童原发性肾病综合征(NS)高凝状态的影响。方法将NS患儿35例,随机分为:1.治疗组(银杏叶)18例,采用泼尼松加银杏叶提取物治疗;2.对照组(双嘧达莫)17例;采用泼尼松加双嘧达莫治疗。8周为1个疗程,疗程结束后判断疗效。结果治疗8周后临床症状及血液生化指标等明显改善,两组治疗前后比较,各临床指标均有显著性差异(P均<0.01);24 h尿蛋白定量(P<0.05)和高凝状态指标明显改善。两组治疗前后凝血酶时间(PT)无显著差异(P>0.05);血浆纤维蛋白原(FIB)、血纤维蛋白原降解产物(FDP)、D-二聚体治疗前后比较均有显著性差异(P均<0.05),治疗后各指标有明显改善。结论银杏叶提取物对NS患儿高凝状态治疗有明显疗效,同时可改善临床症状,降低蛋白尿,辅助激素治疗NS安全有效。 Objective To explore the effects of extract of ginkgo biloba leaf on hypercoagulability markers such as prothromin time (PT),fibrinogen(FIB), fibrinogen degradation produdet (FDP) and D dimer in children with primary nephrotic syndrome(NS). Methods Thirty five children with NS who were hospitalized from October, 2000 to October, 2005 were divided into 2 groups, randomly. The treatment group, including 18 cases, who were treated with prednisone plus extract of ginkgo biloba leaf. The control group, included 17 cases, who were treated with prednisone plus dipyridamole. Eight weeks as a course of treatment, then observed the therapeutic effects, Results After 8 weeks treatment, the clinical symptom and biochemical assay were ameliorated in ginkgo biloba group than that in the dipyridamole group(P〈0.01). The levels of 24-hour urine protein and the hypercoagulability marker were also ameliorated. There was no significant difference of PT before and after treatment in 2 groups(P〉0.05). There were significant difference of FIB,FDP and D-dimer before and after treatment in two groups(P〈0.05 ). Conclusions Extract of ginkgo biloba leaf has significant therapeutic effects in ameliorating hypercoagulability, and can decrease the levels of urine protein. The extract of ginkgo biloba leaf is safe and effective to treat children with NS. It is worth to be used in clinic as an assistant treatment of steroid therapy in chil dren with NS.
出处 《实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期279-281,共3页 Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
基金 广东省中医药管理局基金项目资助(1999170) 广州市中医药中西医结合课题项目资助(2005A001)
关键词 杏叶 肾病综合征 高凝状态 儿童 ginkgo biloba leaf nephrotic syndrome hypercoagulability child
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