
三种检测AmpC酶方法的比较 被引量:2

Evaluation on the three methods of detecting AmpC enzyme
摘要 目的采用三维试验、表型筛选法及头孢西丁纸片药敏法(K-B法)同时检测肠道G-杆菌的AmpC酶,并加以比较,找出一种适合临床常规应用的检测AmpC酶的方法。方法用头孢硝噻吩法检测出97株β-内酰胺酶阳性的肠道G-杆菌作为试验待测菌,用头孢西丁药敏法、表型筛选法测定细菌耐药情况,以判断产AmpC酶的情况。用三维分析法测定细菌粗提物中的AmpC酶情况。结果97株肠道杆菌头孢西丁药敏法结果显示产AmpC酶共有36株,占37.1%(36/97),与三维试验比较总符合率为74.2%。表型筛选法产AmpC酶的菌株有15株,占15.5%(15/97),与三维试验比较总符合率为91.8%。结论表型筛选法与三维试验法比较差异无显著性。表型筛选法可以作为一种临床快速、简便、可靠的检测AmpC酶的方法。 Objective using three dimensional taest, phenotype screening taest and Cefoxitin sensitive test to detect AmpC enzyme of intestinal G- Bacillus,then compare and set up a new convenient routine method in clinical laboratoies. Methods Using nitrocefin test 97,β-tactams nezymes ( + )intestinal Bacillus as test. Cefoxitin sensitive test and phenotype screening were performened to detect the resistance in 97 intestinal Bacillus, The three dismensional tests was performened to detect the AmpC enzymes in 97 intestinal Bacillus, Results The results of Cefoxitin sensitive test showed 36 strains produced AmpC enzymes. Cefoxitin sensitive test compared with three dismensional tests,the total coincidence rate was74, 2 % (72/97), The results of phenotype screening showed 15 strains produced AmpC enzymes, compared with three dismensional tests,the total coincidence rate was 91.8 % (89/97). Conclusions phenotype screening is a reliable to detect AmpC enzyme and easy to use in clinical laboratories.
出处 《广东药学院学报》 CAS 2006年第1期103-104,共2页 Academic Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy
关键词 头孢西丁药敏法 三雏试验 表型筛选法 AMPC酶 cefoxitin sensitive test three dismensional tests phenotype screening AmpC enzymes
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