

Scheduling Algorithm in Distributed Real-Time Systems
摘要 分布式实时系统作为一种典型的实时系统应用受到了关注,目前提出了许多分布式实时系统的调度策略。本文针对诸如静态分配调度算法,动态算法,预测算法,容错调度算法,反射式动态调度算法等系列算法进行了综合的分析。 As a kind of real-time systems, distributed real-time system has been used widely and attracted much attentions. There are many schemes on distributed real-time systems task scheduling. The article has carried on the synthetic evaluation in some scheduling algorithms, such as static scheduling algorithms, dynamic scheduling algorithms, predicting scheduling algorithms, fault-tolerant scheduling algorithms and reflex dynamic scheduling algorithms.
作者 陶睿
出处 《岳阳职业技术学院学报》 2006年第1期83-85,共3页 Journal of Yueyang Vocational and Technical College
关键词 分布式实时系统 调度算法 周期性任务 容错 基版本 副版本 distributed real-time system scheduling algorithm periodic task, fault-tolerant primary copy backup copy.
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