
抗PVY马铃薯品种遗传多样性的RAPD分析 被引量:3

Genetic Diversity Analysis of PVY-resistant Potato Accessions by RAPD Markers
摘要 采用RAPD技术分析了国内外37种抗PVY马铃薯资源。提取马铃薯(Solanumtuberosum)新鲜叶片的总DNA,用17种RAPD引物进行随机多态性扩增,利用遗传多样性信息,进行亲源关系的分子鉴定。试验表明:平均每10个碱基引物扩增出6 ̄21条谱带,共获得164条特异性谱带,平均每个引物扩增获得9.8条多态性谱带,多态性比率平均为76.3%。RAPD分析表明37种抗PVY马铃薯资源之间的遗传距离介于0.06 ̄0.68之间,平均值为0.35,平均遗传距离介于0.27 ̄0.50之间,聚类分析将37种抗PVY材料划分为三个类,聚类结果同材料的血缘关系密切,并且表现出一定的地域特性。根据扩增的特异性谱带可进行抗PVY马铃薯资源的分子鉴定,为抗PVY育种亲本选配提供了依据。 DNA fingerprints of 37 PVY-resistant potato accessions were generated by using RAPD technique. Total DNA of potato (Solarium tuberosum) was extracted from fresh leaves. Genetic information of the 37 PVY-resistant potato accessions was obtained by analysing amplified bands. The results showed that number of the amplified bands per 10 bases random primer were between 6 to 21, and bands amplified by 17 primers was distinctive. Average ofpolymorphic bands number per primer was 9.8, and polymorphic ratio was 76.3%. RAPD analysis indicated the genetic distance of 37 PVY-resistant potato accessions was between 0.06 to 0.68 (average 0.35). The genetic distance among them was between 0.27 and 0.50, average value was 0.35. Similarity matrices were calculated with the simple matching coefficient, and the average link clustering algorithm was used to construct a dendrogram with STATISTICA. They were classified into three groups according to clustering results, and the results presented some geographic relationship. Dendrogram showed close genetic relationships between a number of cultivars of similar pedigree. The analysis of average genetic distance by RAPD suggested the kinship was close among 37 PVY-resistant potatos, which indicated that the genetic basis of PVY-resistant potato germplasm in China was narrow. The results showed that RAPD method could identify the 37 materials by comparing amplified bands with each others and provide evidence for PVY-resistant potato breeding. It is necessary to broaden the basis of potato germplasm in China.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期238-242,共5页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 中国农科院蔬菜花卉研究所重点开放实验室项目(020103)资助.
关键词 马铃薯 RAPD PVY 遗传多样性 Potato, RAPD, PVY, Genetic diversity
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