
混煤农药废液流化床焚烧的排放特性研究 被引量:1

Pollutants Emission Behavior in Fluidized Bed Incineration
摘要 报道了采用流化床焚烧高浓度混煤农药废液时,床温对不同混煤比例农药废液燃烧效率、CO排放水平的影响,并研究了N2O生成与NO、CO的关联性。试验研究表明,不同混煤比例的农药废液焚烧效果各不相同;N2O的生成与NO、CO存在一定的关联性。 In fluidized bed incineration of high concentration pesticide wastewater mixed with coal at different ratios, the bed temperature has an impact on combustion efficiency and carbon monoxide emission level. The relevancy of nitrous oxide formation to nitric oxide and carbon monoxide is also investigated. The experiment results show that various blending coal ration has different combustion efficiency, and nitrous oxide formation has relevance to the existence of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide.
出处 《锅炉技术》 北大核心 2006年第2期76-80,共5页 Boiler Technology
关键词 混煤农药废液 流化床 排放特性 pesticide wastewater mixed with coal fluidized bed emission behavior
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