

3D Image Reconstruction from Two Orthogonal Views Using a Simulated Annealing Approach
摘要 本研究实现了从0/1矩阵的横向、纵向和还原出矩阵,这个方法在三维重建中有广泛的用途。本研究成功地从两张相互垂直的人体腿部模型的投影还原出三维模型,并且误差非常小,从而证明了此方法在三维重建中非常有效。 The reconstruction of two-dimensional (2D) image from its two orthogonal projection profiles has been realized, based on the assumption that the medium is homogeneously distributed. The results obtained by reconstructing a phantom leg yield low reconstruction errors and the shapes of the reconstructed leg is observed to match the input data to a high degree. We show that our approach is more robust than previous methods which were limited to the reconstruction of simple objects.
作者 宁静 唐龙
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期165-167,共3页 Application Research of Computers
关键词 三维重建 模拟退火方法 3D Reconstruction Simulated Annealing Approach
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