1989年3月,引入依朗芷硬胶在广州石化厂矿区作抗污染与行道树种种植,16年的试种结果和 4年育苗试验表明:该树种生长良好,每年都能开花结实,叶色翠绿,终年不凋,自然整枝良好,树冠近球形, 喜温暖和阳光充足环境,对土壤要求不严,对肥水要求不高,耐土壤瘠薄,耐干旱,无病虫害,抗污染能力强, 种子繁殖出苗率高,苗期生长速度也较快。该树种适应广州地区的气候条件,可广泛应用于行道树、厂矿区绿化、庭园绿化、森林公园和风景林建设等。
Mimusops elengi was planted as pollute -proof forest in petrochemical manufactory area of Guangzhou In March of 1989. The result of 16yrs planting test and 4yrs nursery test shows : Trees growing well , flowering and seed bearing every year well, leaf color is jade green, not withering perenially, natural pruning, the tree crown is near and spherical, like the warm and sunny environment , can not require tightly the soil , does not have high expectations for rich water, it is barren , drought -resistant to able to bear the soil, there are no plant diseases and insect pests, ability to resist pollution relatively strong, seed breed survival rate to be high, seedling growth well. Adapt to the climatic conditions of the area of Guangzhou, can apply to road side tree , afforesting patio garden and forest park , landscape , manufactory landcape,etc, extensively .
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
Mimusops elengi, petrochemical manufactory area of Guangzhou, growth analysis