
南海某礁作业人员在礁期间身心健康状况的动态变化 被引量:4

The Dynamic Change of the Physical and Mental Healthy Status among the Personnel during the Timeona Reef in the Chinese South Sea
摘要 目的探讨南海群礁作业人员在礁期间身心健康状况的动态变化规律,为制定合理的医疗卫生保障方案提供依据。方法制定统一表格,由经过统一培训的医务人员对某批作业人员连续90天每日逐人逐项当面询问、测量、记录。其中的“指数”指标,采用视觉模糊评分法。结果随着枉礁时间的延长.作业人员的体重逐渐增加,至第11周时迭最高水平,平均增加0.82kg(P〈0.01);作业人员的身体健康状况如体能指数、健康指数、食欲指数、睡眠指数、睡眠时间、性唤起总人教及强烈性唤起的人数比例,心理健康状况如工作质量指数、工作积极性指数、注意力指数、记忆力指数、情绪指数等均随着在礁时间的延长而连渐降低,降幅约10%左右,较基础值(第1周)相比,第5、9、13周时其差异均有非常明显的统计学意义(P〈0.001)。人际关系融洽的比例逐渐减少,至第9周时达到非常显著性差异(P〈0.001),关系较紧张以第6~9周较高,关系紧张则以第10周以后明显增多(P〈0.001)。结论3个月的在礁作业期间,作业人员身心健康状况呈渐进性降低,但尚在可耐受的范围。后期的人际关系较特张应引起重视。 Objective To probe into the principle of dynamic change of the physical and mental health status among the personnel during the time on a reef in the Chinese South Sea, so as to provide basis for making rational medical health guarantee projects. Methods The investigator designed the unified forms. All the work, that inquired, tested and noted down the items in the forms, was done by the medical workers trained uniformly. The "index" were using Visual vague scale. Results As the time on the reef prolonged, the weight of the personnel was increased gradually, and reached to the highest level at the eleventh week. The average increment was 0. 82kg (P〈0. 001). The physical healthy status such as stamina mdex, healthy index, appetite index, sleep index, sleep time, the toted count of sex aroused people and the proportion of the highly sex aroused, While, the mental health status such as working quality index,working enthusiasm, attention index, memory index and mood index were all reduced gradually.The descehding proportion was about 10%, Compared with the basic amount (the 1st week), there were significant difference in the 5th, 9th and 13th week(P〈0.01-0. 001). The proportion of harmonious relationship among persons was gradually reduced, there were significant difference in the 9th week (P〈0. 001), The proportion of comparatively intensity of the relationship was higher in the 6th week to the 9th week, and the proportion of the intensity of the relationship was obviously increased after the 10th week (P〈0.01). Conclusion During the 3 monthes that working on the reef, the physical and mental health status of the personnel was gradually reduced, on the other side, the reduction was still bearable. It should arose attention to the uptight relationships at the end.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2006年第2期150-152,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 全军"十五"指令性课题 编号01L010
关键词 南海群礁 身体健康 心理健康 动态变化 医疗卫生保障 Reef in Chinese South Sea Physical healthy Mental health Dynamic change Medical health guarantee
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