
脉冲曝气在小城镇生活污水处理中的试验研究 被引量:1

Test study on intermission aeration in treating small town domestic sewage
摘要 以折流板厌氧+好氧一体化反应器为研究对象,探讨脉冲曝气工艺对比连续曝气工艺的优越性,并寻求该工艺的适宜脉冲曝气时间,达到稳定运行并节能的目的。在适宜脉冲曝气条件下,出水CODcr为34~41mg/L,BOD5为6~9mg/L,SS为30~40mg/L,出水水质优于国家农灌水水质标准,整体能耗降低20%左右。试验表明,脉冲曝气工艺是一种高效节能的污水处理技术,适宜在我国小城镇和生态村建设中采用。 This paper mainly introduces the integrated reactor of anaerobic and aerobic. As to realizing the goals of stable movement as well as the energy conservation,it proves into merit of the intermission aeration and explores the suitable time of this treatment process. Under the designation condition of intermission aeration,the water qualities are as follows: CODcr is 34-41mg/L,BOD5 is 6-9mg/L,SS is 30-40mg/L.The output water tally with the water quality standard of the national agricultural irrigation,and the energy-consumption reduces about 20%.The facts prove that intermission aeration is a kind of effective and energy-conservation technology for the treatment of domestic sewage,it is suitable for adopting in the small town and ecological village construction of our country.
出处 《水科学与工程技术》 2006年第2期1-3,共3页 Water Sciences and Engineering Technology
基金 天津市农业转化项目 天津市科技发展计划项目(合同编号:05YFJZJC00500)
关键词 脉冲曝气 小城镇生活污水 intermission aeration small town domestic sewage
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