

Investigation on Hygienic Condition of Catering Trade of Lile Town Jiangmen City in 2005
摘要 [目的]摸清江门市礼乐镇餐饮业的卫生状况,及时做好食品安全监督保障工作,防止食物中毒事故发生。[方法]2005年1月由市卫生监督所牵头,联合工商和城监部门组成联合调查组,对该镇餐饮业的卫生设施、持证情况、环境卫生状况、食品加工及器具使用情况进行全面调查。[结果]共调查135家饮食店,其中大中型12家、小型123家。大中型饮食店的卫生设施配备率为100.00%(12/12),小型饮食店的消毒柜和食具洗消池的配备率不足30%;大中型饮食店有效卫生许可证持证率为100.00%(12/12)、从业人员有效健康证持证率为69.59%(238/342),小型饮食店分别为88.61%(109/123)和59.95%(262/437);大中型饮食店环境卫生状况较差者占8.33%(1/12),小型饮食店则占29.26%(36/123)。[结论]礼乐镇小型饮食店的卫生设施严重不足,从业人员无证上岗的现象较普遍,环境卫生状况较差的比例较高,应把小型饮食店作为重点监督对象,全面提高食品卫生质量。 [Objective]To explore the hygienic condition of catering trade in Lile town Jiangmen city,in order to do the supervision better for food safety and prevent the outbreak of food poisoning. [Methods] In January, 2005, a union group composed of hygiene supervision institute, business administration and city supervision department was made up. An overall investigation on health settings, condition of licenses holding, status of environmental hygiene, food processing and containers using, etc. were made by it. [Results] 135 eating houses were investigated,among which 12 were medium and large, 123 were small. The possession rate of health setting in big and medium type was 100.00 % (12/12), but in the small type, the possession rate of disinfected cabinet and cleaning equipment were lower than 30 % ;in the big and medium restaurants, the holding rate of effective hygiene license and effective health certificate of workers were 100. 00%(12/12) and 69.59% (238/342) respectively; but in small restaurants were 88.610% (109/123) and 59.95 % (262/437). In environment hygiene } aspect,the unqualified rate in big restaurants was 8.33 % (1/12), and in small restaurant was 29. 26 % (36/123). [Conclusion]In small restaurants,the health settings were severe insufficient and workers without health certificate on duty were common, and the proportion of worse condition in environmental hygiene were rather high, therefore, supervision should be strengthened on small restaurants in order to improve food hygiene quality entirely.
作者 赵浪晴
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2006年第2期152-153,共2页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 饮食业 卫生状况 Catering Trade Hygiene Condition
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