Objective To summarize clinical characteristics, diagnosis and surgery of abnormally origination of left coronary artery fi'om the pulmonary artery. Methods Clinical data of 10 patients with left coronary artery abnormally originating fi'om pulmonary artery were analyzed, including 5 men and 5 wowen, aged from 13 to 40 years. Definite diagnosis was made by ultrasonic cardiogram (UCG) and cardiac catheter examination. Three eases were simply abnormal origination, six cases combined with MI, and one case combined with both MI and venatrieular aneurysm of left ventrieular apex. Ligation of the abnonnal coronary artery was done in four patients, three were given pulmonary artery inner tunnel platy under extmcorporeal circulation. Open implantation of left coronary artery to ascending aorta were done in 3 patients, while plasty of mitral valve were peffomaed in 5 and ventricular aneurysm resection in 1. Results One patient died postoperatively. The follow-up ranged from I month to ll years. One patient received replacement of mitral valve 16 months after first surgery due to severe MI. All the followed-up patienats presented no myocardial iseheania or infairction, no residual shunt or late death. Cardiac function was rehabilitated to grade Conclusion Obvious blood dynamics and cardiovacular morphology changes existed in patients with left coronary artery abnormally originating from pulmonary artery. Early diagnosis and surgery should be done. Proper surgical approach is the key to success.
Chinese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Heart disease, congenital Coronay vessel anomalies Pulmonary artery Cardiac surgical procedure