Objective To investigate the effect and mechanism of substance P (SP) in the ventrolateral preoptic area (vLPO) on sleep of rats. Methods Eighty rats were divided into 8 experimental groups and 2 control groups with 8 rats each. Brain stereotaxic technigne, nucleus spile, microinjection, polysomnography and immtmohistochemistry were used to observe effect of SP in vLPO on sleep and its mechanism. Results Sleep was enhanced by 13.1% and wakefulness was reduced by 22.0% after SP was microinjected into bilateral vLPO, while N-acetyl-L-tryptophan 3,5-bis ( trifluoromethyl)-benzyl ester, the SIP receptor ( NK-1 ) antagonist, led to the opposite effects. The effect of SP was blocked by U73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor. In addition, 3-mereaptopropionic acid (3-MP), a glutamic acid decarboxylase inhibitor that inhibits gamma-aminobutyric acid( GABA) synthesis and release, blocked the sleep-promoting effect of SP in the vLPO. Conclusion These results indicate that SP in the vLPO can promote sleep, especially deep slow wave sleep and the effect might be mediated by GABAergie neurons of vLPO.
Chinese Journal of Geriatric Heart,Brain and Vessel Diseases