目的 探讨提取、纯化和滴定重组腺病毒表达载体的有效方法。方法将已用含报告基因β-半乳糖苷酶基因(IacZ)的重组5型腺病毒载体(Ad5 CMVLacZ)转染的人胚肾293细胞从-70℃转移至37℃,反复冻融使细胞发生破溃,病毒从细胞内释放至上清液。在上清液中加入氯化铯,进行密度梯度超速离心,收集和透析病毒液,用空斑形成实验确定病毒的滴度。结果经提取和纯化的Ad5 CMVLacZ病毒液清晰无色,用系列稀释法将其配制成10^-2~10^-13的稀释度,分别转染100%汇合的293细胞,连续追踪观察空斑的形成及其数目变化,直至转染后第10天,10^-10稀释度的空斑数不再增加为止,计数其空斑。从而确定出mL病毒的滴度,即空斑形成单位(pfu),最终测定得到的结果是3.0×10^10 pfu/mL。结论 用上述方法能制备出优质的重组腺病毒载体,后者足以达到对中枢神经系统损伤和疾病进行基因治疗的要求。
Objective To investigate an effective method for extraction, puritication and titration of recombinant adenoviral vector. Methods The transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells with recombinant adenoviral vector (Ad5 CMVLacZ) were tysed by five cycles of freezing ( - 70°C ) and thmdng (37~C). The supemate was centrifuged by CsC1 gradient method. The centrifuged viruses were dialysed,and then were titrated by phgue-fonning unit (pfu) assay.Results The purified Ad5 stock was dear and colorless. 100% d confluent HEK 293 ceils were transfected by Ad5 CMVLacZ stock for ten days. The final titer of the viral stock is 3.0 × 10^-10 pfu/mL. Conclusion High titer adenovivral vector can be prepared by the method, and the prepared vector fully meets the requirements of gene therapl for the injuries and diseascs in the central nervous system.
Guangxi Medical Journal