
纤维状仿肉制品的高湿挤压生产技术 被引量:10

High moisture extrusion to produce fibrous protein meat analogs
摘要 目前,人们越来越关注利用双螺旋挤压机,在高湿度条件(水分含量40%-80%)下,把植物蛋白制成高纤维化的仿肉制品。与低湿度下生产蛋白产品不同的是,高湿条件下挤压出的蛋白有很好的纤维化结构,它类似于鸡肉或火鸡脯肉,因而提高了视觉效果和口感。这项技术大约有20年的发展历史,但只是到了近几年才开始出现商业化。为了满足消费者不断提高的对健康和美味食品的要求,这项技术已成为纤维化植物蛋白一个重要方法。 There is an increasing interest in using twin-screw extruders to texturize vegetable proteins into fibrous meat analogs under high moisture(40% - 80% )conditions. Unlike protein products under low moisture, proteins extruded under high moisture conditions can have well defined fiber formations, resemble chicken or turkey breast meat,and therefore have enhanced visual appearance and taste sensation. The technology has about 20 years of developmental history, but only until recent years, commercialization efforts have just begun. It has a great promise to become a prominent method of texturizing vegetable proteins to meet increasing consumer demands for healthy and tasty foods.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期49-51,共3页 China Oils and Fats
关键词 大豆 高湿挤压 仿肉制品 植物蛋白 soybean high moisture extrusion meat analogs vegetable proteins
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