Internationalization of scientific and technological activities has become an inexorable trend.Whether or not the science and technology of a country can develop quickly,depends on the extent that this country absorbs and participates in the development of science and technology of the world.This paper, first of all, gives a brief introduction of some international scientific organizations, such as the international Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) ;outlines the main developments and deficiencies of the seismological researches in China in the past 30 years; analyses the influences of the Chinese seismological researches on the international seismological circles, in the light of the position of Chinese seismologists in the relevant international scientific organizations, participations in significant international scientific conferences, as well as the role of Chinese seismologists in significant international cooperation research projects. Finally, some suggestions are made about how the Chinese seismological researches should move towards the world.
Recent Developments in World Seismology