1.国际农村教育研究与培训中心的成立 早在上个世纪90年代,联合国教科文组织就首先提出农村教育的发展问题,并通过建立“中心”来推动世界农村教育的发展。1994年11月8日,根据联合国教科文组织第27届大会第159号决议,联合国教科文组织国际农村教育研究与培训中心(简称INRULED)在中国保定成立。
International Research and Training Center for Rural Education(INRULED)was jointly set up by UNESCO and the Government of People's Republic of China on 8 Nov. 1994 in Baoding,China. The Mission of INRULED is to promote sustainable social-economic development in rural areas by education to bring about positive changes in thinking and behaviour of rural people,who make up the majority of population in developing countries,and to help achieve the goals of Education For All. Since her establishment,INRULED has carried out a series of programme activities in education for rural development,with active participation of education policy-makers,researchers, and educational practitioners from many countires in the world.
Journal of World Education