在一家宾馆的会议室里,站在几十人面前,即将离任的哥伦比亚大学教育学院院长亚瑟·莱文(Arthur Levine)承诺不会讲太久,不过他承认这话说起来容易做起来难。莱文先生讲到一名学生近期对某科课程的评价:“如果我的生命只剩下20分钟的话,我愿意把它花在您的课堂上,因为在这里,每一分钟都如同一小时那样漫长。”
Where is the place of Ed.D.?Are those present courses for them necessary? Arthur Levine, dean of Education School of Columbia University who is leaving his post, proposes,on the basis of the findings of his own investigation and research, that the present education doctorate and the relative courses be canceled,that new courses which combine education and management be offered, and that new educational management doctorate be established. His speech has given rise to hot debate in American educational circles.
Journal of World Education